Why Self-Care Is a Must in Every Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

The importance of taking time out for yourself

Long days that turn into long nights, inventory stacked up everywhere, bringing work home, the stress of irregular money coming in. Does that sound like your life? As an entrepreneur, you likely deal with all this and more. Whether it’s the limited social interaction weighing you down or the risk of failure, it’s time for a much-needed life overhaul.

At Psychminds, we believe self-care is the foundation for grounding every entrepreneur’s needs. Why? We get into the details below.

How Self-Care Helps the Entrepreneur

According to Harvard Business Review, 1 in 4 entrepreneurs is stressed out. If you’re too busy building your empire to relax, we get it. But the stress will take a toll on your lifestyle and relationships at some point, which is where self-care comes in. This magical tool helps activate the body’s relaxation response, which reduces cortisol and adrenalin in the body. It also improves clarity and creativity, not to mention boosts productivity. In a way, self-care is the fuel you need to be a better entrepreneur! We also know that a stressful lifestyle can trigger depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Self-care is an easy (and inexpensive way) to keep your mental health top-notch.

How to Self-Care

Self-care doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s all about finding small things that make you happy. For many, working out in the gym or at home is an excellent way to keep the mind clear and get those endorphins rushing. If you’re more of a homebody, why not try your hand at a hobby that relaxes and rejuvenates you? Some find solace in knitting and sewing, while others may prefer gardening, writing, or baking. Another must in every self-care toolkit is meditation – according to Forbes, even a few minutes of mindfulness can reduce anxiety dramatically!

How to Get Your Self-Care In

You may be thinking, self-care is great and all, but how do I prioritize it in an already jam-packed day? We hear you, and we feel you. The easiest way is to schedule it in. If you have ten minutes free between calls, schedule a quick meditation. Winding down before bed? Schedule 20 minutes of reading. You can also get your self-care done first thing in the morning. Give yourself a rule that you can’t check your phone before completing some of your self-care essentials. This is also a great way to set an excellent precedent for the rest of your day!

Delegation Is Key

While every entrepreneur is familiar with wearing multiple hats, it is also essential to leave some time free to enjoy life. Let’s get one thing clear: you can’t, in fact, do it all. One of the most critical things you can learn as an entrepreneur is the importance of delegating. For example, if you’re based out of the online space, it might make sense to hire a web developer rather than trying to hack the technicalities yourself. Finding the right developer for the job is easy with job boards – all you need to do is look at reviews, consider delivery time frames and project costs. Wondering, how much do web developers make? Well, they make anywhere from $15-$30 an hour, although rates go up with experience.

Hustle culture is a double-edged sword – while it pushes you towards business success, it is also fueled by stress, sleep deprivation, and burnout. You’re going to have to get serious about your self-care to preempt the negative consequences of the entrepreneurial lifestyle. So sit back, light a candle (or two), and enjoy some (much needed) me-time.

Written by Brad Krause

Content Contributor


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